
Roast Vegetable Fritata

Step By Step Photo Tutorial

Here's the photo tutorial for Roast Vegetable Fritata, one of our easy healthy recipes. Click on the photo of this amazingly delicious recipe to obtain the full recipe.

roast vegetable frtiata plated

Roasted Vegetable Fritata

ingredients for roast vegetable fritata

Select your favorite vegetables to roast. To make this recipe for 8 servings I've used:

  • 2 small sweet potatoes, diced small
  • 2 onions, diced small
  • 2 sticks of celery, diced
  • 4 cubes of Feta cheese with 1 tbs of the oil
  • 4 lean bacon rashers - if you prefer to make this a vegetarian dish, omit the bacon and replace with 12 cubes of Feta cheese
  • 6 eggs, beaten
  • low fat cream cheese
  • herbs

To find all the ingredients go to the recipe, by clicking on the photo above.

1. Roast the Vegetables

Toss all the veg and bacon slices if using, in an oven proof dish with lots of herbs and the oil from the feta cheese container. Be sure it is well coated and the herbs are generously distributed.

The herbs and the strong tasting oil will infuse into the vegetables for a wonderful deep full flavor.

diced vegetables seasoned and oiled for roasting

Roast the vegetable till the sweet potato is cooked, about 40 minutes. Turn the vegetable twice to coat all sides with the oil and to prevent drying out.

roasted vegetables

2. Pour The Custard

Beat the eggs with water, seasoning and add the wholemeal self raising flour, using a fork to break up any lumps of flour.

Pour the savory custard over the vegetables still hot from the roast in the oven.

And put it back into the oven to bake till the eggs set.

custard poured over the roast vegetables

The flour helps raise the fritata so that it looks attractively risen.

3. Back in the Oven

And here it is - the top beautifully golden brown and lovely color from the orange sweet potato.

Slice the vegetable roast fritata into squares and serve with fresh greens.

roast vegetables fritata plated

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